Our Terms

Terms of Service

Last Updated: August 22, 2024.

By purchasing a program, you are agreeing to attend The Russian Ballet School (hereinafter referred to as "the School") yourself or by enrolling your student(s). This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of your involvement with the School.


These Terms of Service are governed by the laws of Ontario, Canada.

Any disputes that arise between The Russian Ballet School and customers will be first attempted to be resolved by email at info@therussianballet.com or via the details on our contact page. If resolution is not reached, the dispute will be escalated to the appropriate legal departments or courts. Customers or their children shall not contact artist staff regarding disputes and must address such matters through the proper channels.


We reserve the right to alter these terms and conditions at any time. The most current version of these terms will always be available on our website. Changes to terms will not apply retroactively and will only become effective for new program purchases made after the date of modification. If you have purchased a program prior to any changes, the terms that were in place at your time of purchase will continue to apply for the duration of your program.


We retains all rights to any choreography, performances, or other creative works produced by the School. This material may not be reproduced, distributed, or otherwise used without our explicit permission. Violation of this clause may result in immediate termination of the program with no refund and/or legal action.


You authorize permission to the School and it licensees, successors, and assigns (collectively called the “Licensed Parties”) worldwide, absolute, and irrevocable permission to use, reproduce, post, print, and/or publish you or your child’s name, likeness, image, voice, and/or appearance (”the Material”) in any media, including but not limited to photographs, video recordings, audiotapes, digital images in which you or your child may be included intact or in part, composite, or distorted in character, sound or form, without restriction as to changes or transformation in conjunction with your own or a fictitious name, or reproduction hereof. You agree that the Material may be used for any purpose consistent with the School’s mission, programs, productions or performances, including in news releases, advertisements, social media, publications, marketing campaigns, media coverage, videos, websites, billboards, and any other promotional or educational materials compiled by or on behalf of the School. You understand and agree that the School has and will have complete ownership of the Material and that you will not receive any compensation for the use of the Material. You release the Licensed Parties from any and all claims arising out of their use of the Material, including without limitation any claims based on the right of publicity or privacy, misappropriation or misuse of image, and/or defamation, including liability by virtue of any blurring, distorting, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form whether intentional or otherwise. You waive any future right to prior review of any use of the Material.


You understand that taking photos, videos, or audiotapes during any activities at the School or associated events is strictly prohibited. Violations will result a fine of up to $1,000.00 to be remitted within thirty (30) days of incident. You understand that publication of unauthorized media will result in legal action against you.


We are dedicated to maintaining a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for staff, students, and families. Any form of bullying, harassment, aggressive, or violent behaviour, including physical, verbal, emotional abuse, social exclusion, or cyberbullying, whether in-person or online (via social media, email, phone calls, SMS), is strictly prohibited. You understand and agree that engaging in such behaviour will lead to immediate expulsion without refund or credit. In severe cases, we reserve the right to have the involved individual(s) physically removed from the property by security personnel or law enforcement. You will be required to remit the total outstanding balance of your membership contract within thirty (30) days. Failure to comply will result in your account being transferred to collections without notice and initiation of legal action.

You recognize and agree that the integrity and reputation of our school are paramount. You acknowledge that any defamatory actions, such as spreading false information or submitting repeated spam reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and similar, undertaken by you, your child, or anyone associated with you, will result in legal action.
You acknowledge and agree that if a student or multiple students are found guilty of bullying and have been given a warning to cease their behaviour but fail to do so, they will be removed from the program. Despite removal, the student(s) will remain financially obligated for the remainder of their payments.

You recognize that in cases where a victim of bullying chooses to stop attending classes due to bullying, they are still financially obligated to remit the remainder of their payments, as non-attendance does not exempt them from their financial obligations. We will take all possible measures to address the issue and remove the offending student(s) so that the victim may continue their classes uninhibited. You understand that, to make a case, evidence of bullying or harassment and formal written notice must be provided. Should you wish to make a claim outside of the school, please use appropriate legal channels.


You understand that you are financially responsible any and all facility damages caused by you or your child.


You agree to remove all outdoor footwear and place items in the provided storage when entering the School. You understand that outdoor footwear is strictly prohibited in classrooms.

You understand that if you are not participating in classes, you are not permitted to enter the classroom unless an instructor requires your assistance.

You understand that you or your child many not stand or sit in front of entry and exit points to classrooms to prevent safety and fire hazards.


You understand that you are required to inform the School of any changes in contact details such as name, phone, email, billing address, card details, or health concerns/medical conditions within 7 days by email at info@therussianballet.com or via the details on our contact page.


You or your child are strictly prohibited from contacting instructors directly by phone, SMS, or email. All communication should be directed through the school's administrative channels. Repeat offences of direct contact may result in early termination of your contract without a refund. All communication must be by email at info@therussianballet.com or via the details on our contact page.


You understand that you will be required to purchase your own dancewear, which is not included in your program fees.If you are enrolled in a program, you will have a choice of dancewear from any store or manufacturer.

If your child is enrolled in a program, you are required to purchase a uniform through us or our partner store.

If your child is not in uniform with hair done prior to arriving to class, they will be asked to leave class. Students who repeatedly attend classes without proper uniform may be subject to early withdrawal from the program. You will still be responsible for your program payments. You will not receive a refund or credit for early withdrawal.


You agree that the School is in no way responsible for the safekeeping of your personal belongings while you are present in the facility. You assume all risk of loss for any of your personal belongings. Instructors and staff are not to be solicited to hold or locate personal belongings if left at the School.


No food or drinks are allowed at the School for health and safety reasons. Water is permitted in non-glass bottles.

Alcoholic beverages must never be consumed prior to partaking in activities.

Parents are encouraged to help their child eat, drink, or use the restroom before and after classes to minimize disruptions.


Animals, including pets, are strictly prohibited at the School for health and safety reasons.


You understand that if your child is enrolled in a program, you are responsible for timely arrival and pick up from the School. You understand that you are responsible for checking your child in on your account using our website or mobile app.

You understand you must drop off your child to the instructor directly.

You agree to stay at the School for the duration of the class if your child is between the ages of three to six (3-6) in case of emergency or to provide your child with assistance.

You understand that if your child is under sixteen (16), you must remain with your child if the instructor is running late.


You understand that before purchasing your program, you are expected to attend an evaluation class. During this class, you or your child will be assessed and placed into a program appropriate to the dancer's skill level and age.

If you or child is enrolled in a performance program and has previously had no experience dancing, you acknowledge that we cannot guarantee performance in the year-end show, even if you registered from the start of the fall/winter term. Placement in performances is contingent upon skill level and individual progress made during the term.

You or your child may be enrolled in a performance program with the goal of dancing on pointe. Placements for pointe work are not guaranteed and are determined on a case-by-case basis. Pointe work may not be suitable for all individuals, as it requires significant capability and a high tolerance for the challenging and often painful nature of this athletic art form. If a student is unable to continue pointe work, they may continue their classes without it. For students aged 18 and older, they may request the cancellation of their pointe add-on membership. The final decision regarding pointe work, especially on stage, is contingent upon meeting specific technical and physical readiness criteria as determined by the instructor.

The allocation of roles in events, including choreography and placements, are determined at the sole discretion of artistic staff. You understand that decisions are final and will not be subject to change based on your or you child's preferences. Any harassment or undue pressure on staff members will result in early program termination without refund or credit. No exceptions.

You or your child are not permitted to make requests to instructors, choreographers, or the artistic director regarding which choreography you or anyone else will perform for competitions or shows. Choreography assignments are based on athletic and artistic merit. Preferences for specific choreographies do not qualify for a refund under any circumstances. No exceptions.


You understand that you or your child is entering into a merit-based athletic program. Your program may include auditions, exams, or term-long evaluations by the instructor who determines eligibility for graduation. You understand that graduation is not guaranteed.

Your child may qualify for a certificate of level completion in Vaganova method issued by the UNESCO International Dance Council. The certificate is not included in program costs and will be at an additional charge.


Early registration is available up to six (6) months prior to the start of your program.

All students aged three to seven (3-7) and eighteen plus (18+) may register at any time of the year.

For fall/winter term programs, students aged eight to seventeen (8-17) and eighteen plus (18+) must register by March 1. There is no registration between March 1-June 28. The cut-off window to be eligible to participate in the year-end show in the same term is Jan 1.

Students who register between Jan 1-March 1 will not be considered for show participation, unless extended a special invitation by the instructor and/or artistic director. Students joining after Jan 1 should be aware that classes will primarily focus on learning combinations for choreographic compositions that will be performed in the year-end show. Learning these combinations and associated performance technique is an integral component of the A. Vaganova syllabus for their respective level, irrespective of show involvement.


Special offers, discounts, promotions, or discount codes cannot be combined. Certain credit packs and discount codes are made available for first-time customers only. A first-time customer is defined as any person who has never taken a class at the School. This includes, but is not limited to, evaluation classes, introductory packages, private training consultations, or other marketing and promotional offers.

The creation of multiple accounts to gain access to discounts or promotions is strictly prohibited. Duplicate accounts and accounts in breach of this policy are subject to a rectification fee. The School conducts regular verifications and should the School become aware of violations of this policy, the customer will be charged without warning for the full value of all products for which invalid discounts were received. All purchases will be non-refundable. Repeat violation of the discount and promotions policy will result in the cancellation of the customer’s account and ban from the School.

Family Discount: The second (younger) and subsequent family member which registers in a program, under the same account holder, will receive 10% off on their program tuition fees. This does not apply to private training. You must contact us at info@therussianballet.com or via the details on our contact page to request this discount. This discount will only be applied after you have created an account and purchased all your programs. Your discount credit will be applied to your account towards your second billing interval. Your second billing interval date will update after your first check-in for that membership contract. Please allow up to five to seven (5-7) business days for your discount to be applied to your account after your first check-in.


You understand that once you have purchased a program, you must book into and check-in for each class you will attend using your account on our website or app.

You must be physically present and checked in at the start of your scheduled class or your spot may be given to a waitlisted client. You understand that should a system error arise that results in the booking of a class with an ineligible membership or credit type, the School reserves the right to cancel your reservation.

If you or your child are enrolled in a program with a four (4) week billing frequency, where there are more classes per week on the schedule than your allotted times per week, you must choose the dates that you will keep consistently throughout your program term. Expect to book into the additional classes on the schedule to make up for holidays or early term end dates (see Holidays below). Make sure that you are booking into the additional classes before the end of your billing interval or you will lose those credits. Programs that do not have additional scheduled availability do not have make-ups for holidays.

If you are enrolled in private training, you will be booked and checked-in by an instructor or staff member.


Fall/Winter Term: the day after Labour Day - June 28th

Summer Term: July 5th - August 31st (inclusive)

Dress Rehearsal: June 23rd

Show: June 28th


Fall Break: September 1st - Labour Day (inclusive)

Canadian Thanksgiving

Winter Break: December 20th - January 2nd (inclusive)

Family Day

Good Friday

Victoria Day

Summer Break: June 28th - July 4th (inclusive)

Civic Holiday


Access to backstage areas during dress rehearsals is strictly limited to authorized personnel only. No parents or guests are permitted unless there is an express written statement from artistic staff authorizing a parent to assist their child with costume changes. Unauthorized individuals found backstage will be escorted out of the building by security.

Parents and guests are not permitted to attend dress rehearsals. Attempts to circumvent this rule will result in the individual being escorted out of the building by security. You understand that your or your child's performance privilege in the event may be revoked, and any tickets or memberships held will be cancelled without refund or credit.

The use of phones, cameras, or any recording devices is strictly prohibited during all rehearsals and events. You understand that you or your guests will be escorted out of the building by security upon violation and without warning. Official year-end show videos are available for purchase on your customer account or website.


You understand that tuition fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. You agree to pay the School the entire amount of tuition across your program commitment period, with any applicable private training, performance fess, costume fees, competition fees, and all other fees arising from your program registration.

Billing Intervals: Upon your first purchase, you will be charged for one billing interval as your non-refundable deposit to the program. Your next billing interval will change according to your first class check-in (i.e. You purchase a monthly interval program on May 1, and your first check-in is on Sept 3, then your next billing date will be Oct 3). Billing dates are system automated and cannot be changed.

Proration Credit: When you purchase a fall/winter or summer program or a private training add-on, and your first class check-in is after the official program start date (see program dates above), you will receive a proration credit on your account that will be used towards your second billing interval (see billing intervals above). Your proration credit is calculated as a percentage of the total cost of your billing interval payment, depending on which week of the month you attend your first check-in. If your first check-in is on the second week of the month, you receive a 25% credit. If your first check-in is on the third week of the month, you receive a 50% credit. If your first check-in is on the fourth week of the month, you receive a 75% credit. The proration credit prevents you from being overcharged at the end of your program on your fixed termination date. You will have access to all your class credits, per interval, immediately upon activating your membership contract. Proration credit amounts are system automated, do not reflect per-class costs, and cannot be adjusted based on the number of sessions you attend. Proration credits do not apply to no-commitment programs or private training only memberships. Please allow up to two (2) calendar days for the credit balance to be reflected on your customer account.

Account Balance Credit Usage: Due to a system limitation, any account balance credit you have will be applied toward the second billing interval of your membership. The first billing interval will be charged at the regular membership rate, with no application of account balance credit. Please ensure that the “Use Account Balance” option is checked in your account’s profile information to apply your credit. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Fixed Program Termination Dates: All fall/winter programs and add-ons will be automatically terminated on June 28, regardless of your start date. All summer programs and add-ons will automatically terminate on August 31, regardless of your start date. All no-commitment programs renew forever until cancelled.

Class Credits: Class credits are non-transferable between billing intervals and will reset on your next billing date.

Cost Breakdown: Programs with monthly billing intervals do not reflect per-class costs per month, rather it is the total sum of the program divided across monthly payments for your convenience only. Only programs with four (4) week intervals reflect per-class costs per interval.

Program Changes: You understand that when you purchase a program, you are financially committed to this program and its schedule for the duration of the program term. You may not downgrade your program once purchased. You may upgrade your program at any time by contacting us at info@therussianballet.com or via the details on our contact page.

Program Upgrade Credit: When you request an upgrade your previous contract will be terminated and a program upgrade credit will be added to your account. If your previous contract was terminated within the first week of the current month, you will receive 100% of the total cost of your last billing cycle as a credit to be used towards your next purchase. If your previous contract was terminated within the second week of the current month, you will receive 75% of the total cost of your last billing cycle as a credit. If your previous contract was terminated within the third week of the current month, you will receive 25% of the total cost of your last billing cycle as a credit. If your request is made during the fourth week of the current month, you will not receive a program upgrade credit and must complete that week before purchasing and checking into a class with your new membership. Program upgrade credit amounts are system automated, do not reflect per-class costs, and cannot be adjusted based on the number of sessions you attended. Depending on the date of your first check-in with your new membership, a proration credit (see above) may be applied to your account to be used towards your next billing cycle.

Payment Failures: If your payment method is declined, you will have a three (3) day grace period to update your payment method on your account. After the three (3) day grace period, you will no longer be able to book into classes without updating your payment method. If you fail to provide a new payment method, you or your child will not be admitted to classes. After seven (7) days, an overdue account will incur a $50.00 + HST administrative fee and a 2% per month interest rate. If you fail to provide a new payment method within thirty (30) days and you have outstanding tuition fees, your account will be turned over to collections without notice.

Attendance Misconduct: If you or your child attend classes without having purchased a program or without an active account with the School, you will be charged $50.00 + HST per incident plus the original cost of the program.

Fees and Add-Ons: You understand that if you or your child are to participate in an event, such as a show or competition, you will incur additional fees. Mandatory minimum fees include costume fees, stage fee, and dress rehearsal fee. The costume fee includes coverage of the minimum expected material, design and labour costs associated with one (1) costume for an event.

Additional Costume Fees: You understand that due to the bespoke nature of our custom tailoring services for costumes and props, all tailoring fees are non-refundable and non-cancellable once the tailoring process begins. You acknowledge and agree to pay additional charges if you or your child are participating an in event, and require more than one (1) costume and/or custom tailoring designs which exceed the cost of the base costume fee due to the use of special materials and labour costs (especially in the case of tutus), costume alterations, costume/prop rentals. You understand that your initial payment for each costume is a base fee and may require additional charges based on the final selection of materials and complexity of tailoring required. A final cost will be provided before tailoring begins about 1-3 months prior to the event. You waive any claim to membership refunds or cancelations within your contract period solely based on concerns regarding costume pricing.

Costume/Prop Penalty Fees: Costumes and props rented for performances must be returned within five (5) calendar days following the event. A late return will incur a penalty fee of $100 plus a $15 administrative fee. If a costume or prop is lost, a fee of $200 (for costumes) or $100 (for props), in addition to a $15 administrative fee. All late payments include applicable taxes. You understand that if your rentals is not returned within 30 days, a police report will be filed for the stolen items and your outstanding penalty fee payments will be sent to collections.


In consideration of being permitted to participate in our programs, you agree to waive, release and discharge the School, its partners, its contributors, facility owners, and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, faculty, and volunteers of and from all liability for any claims, suits, demands, actions, damages, losses, judgments, and costs (including legal fees) which you have or may have in the future that might arise out of, or relate to your or your child’s participation in any activities with the School, including but not limited to travelling to and/or from the School’s events, notwithstanding the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the the School or any of the persons or entities listed herein.


You understand that there are no refunds or early contract terminations for vacations, conflicting extracurriculars, commitments, religious reasons, holidays, instructor preference, relocation or moving, non-attendance, or other miscellaneous circumstances. You understand that you will not receive any refund or credits for missed classes or early withdrawal. You understand that if you early withdraw from your program, you are financially responsible for the full tuition costs until the end of your program commitment term.
Program Make-Up Classes:
If there is additional timetable availability in your program, you may book into a make up class. You will have ten (10) minutes until the start of the class to cancel your booking before you lose your class credit. Programs that do not have additional timetable availability do not have make-ups for missed classes. There are no refunds for missed classes.
No-Show Fee: If you have purchased and reserved an intensive, camp, or audition and fail to attend, you will incur a no-show fee of $18 per reservation.

Late Cancel Fee: If you have purchased and reserved an intensive, camp, or audition and cancel within 10 minutes before the start time, you will incur a $15 late cancellation fee.

Private Training Add-Ons: You agree that if you purchase a program with a commitment period and the private training add-on, you are committed to the private training add-on and your time slot(s) for the duration of your program commitment period. You understand that if you must cancel a class, we will make all efforts to schedule a make-up class within your billing interval. You agree to give at least twenty-four (24) hours notice from the time of your class to schedule a make-up class by email to info@therussianballet.com only. You understand that make-up classes are not guaranteed due to instructor and classroom availability. You agree and understand that you may lose the missed class without refund or credit. No-shows will not be refunded or rescheduled.

Private Training Only Memberships: You agree that if you are purchasing a private training only membership (not as an add-on to a group class program) you are committed to your time slot for the duration of each billing interval. You agree to give at least twenty-four (24) hours notice from the time of your class to schedule a make-up class. You understand that if you must cancel a class, we will make all efforts to schedule a make-up class within your billing interval. You understand that your class credits will reset at the end of your billing interval and that a make-up class is not guaranteed due to instructor and classroom availability. You agree and understand that you may lose the missed class without refund or credit. No-shows will not be refunded or rescheduled.

Holidays: You understand that there are no adjustments, refunds, or credits for official school holidays (see listed above). If you have an Adult Beginners 2, Adult Intermediate, or Adult Performance membership, you may request a complimentary class credit (see below) to be added to your customer account to be used anytime in the future with no expiry date by email to info@therussianballet.com.

Complimentary Class Credits: These credits may be used for you or your guest to attend a class. There are no refunds on complimentary class credits. Complimentary class credits expire after 10 years.

Membership Freeze: If you purchase a program which recurs forever with no commitment, you can request one (1) membership freeze up to one (1) billing interval for every 6 months of membership, up to a maximum of two (2) membership freezes in a 12-month period, beginning the first date of your membership. Your membership start date is the date of your first check-in. This does not include involuntary freezes, such as School closures. In the case of medical impairment, you can request to freeze your membership for the duration of the impairment with a written statement from a physician up to twelve (12) months. You must provide a minimum of three (3) business days notice before your next billing date to info@therussianballet.com to ensure your account is not automatically charged. There are no refunds for late notices.

Membership Cancellations: If you purchase a program which recurs forever with no commitment, you can request to cancel your membership anytime. You must provide a minimum of three (3) business days notice before your next billing date to info@therussianballet.com to ensure your account is not automatically charged. There are no refunds for late notices.

Force Majeure: In case of government mandated health shut down due to pandemics, natural disasters, or act of God, which prevent in-studio training, or if the School deems it unsafe to carry out in-studio training, you agree that material changes in delivery of any programs will not entitle you to a refund. A credit may be applied to future programs.

Medical Impairment: In case of long-term medical impairment or pregnancy, a written statement from a physician is required to receive credit or to cancel the remainder of the program. Your refund will apply from the date that we receive notice of impairment and not from the date of impairment.

Substitute Teachers: We reserve the right to change instructors or to invite substitute teachers at any time during your program without notice. You understand that you will not receive credit or refund due to change of instructor.

Missed Events: You understand that if you are enrolled in a program where you or your child are expected to perform at an event, your non-attendance will not result in a credit or refund of any costume or performance fees.

Absences: You understand that if you are enrolled in a program where you or your child are expected to perform in an event, and are repeatedly absent from training (especially six (6) months prior to the event), you will forfeit your participation without credit or refund. If you or your child is absent due to illness or injury, you agree to email us your doctor’s note at the time of absence to info@therussianballet.com.

Retail Items: Unused, regular-priced merchandise will be accepted for a full refund within thirty (30) days of purchase and will be issued to the original form(s) of payment. After thirty (30) days, a store credit will be issued. No returns or exchanges will be accepted without a receipt. Items purchased on sale or at a discounted rate are non-refundable.

Ticket Sales: All ticket sales are final. Refunds or credits for purchased tickets will not be provided. Once an event is listed as sold out, please refrain from requesting additional tickets from artistic or administrative staff. Understand that such requests will not receive a response.

If a live event cannot be held or tickets cannot be provided due to circumstances beyond control, such as venue issues, problems with the online ticketing platform, issues with the payment processor, acts of God, or other emergencies, we reserve the right to void and/or refund ticket sales at our discretion. Refunds may be considered as an act of good faith but are not guaranteed. Memberships, add-ons, fees, costumes, props, and similar items are non-refundable.

Gift Cards: All gift cards are non-refundable. No exceptions. Gift cards are not exchangeable for cash, and will not be replaced if lost or stolen.

Account Credit: Any account credit issued by the School will expire one year from the date of issue. You are encouraged to use your credit within this timeframe. No extension or reactivation will be possible.

Closure: If the School closes its business, there will be no refunds or credits.


If you have any questions about these terms or your purchase agreement, you may contact us by email at info@therussianballet.com or via the details on our contact page.